EHD will provide a unique skillset and knowledge base to your project

The Emerging Healthcare Design Consulting Group provides expertise in content, planning and programming to other institutions/ health systems interested in operational and logistics optimization, lean approaches to space redesign and patient centered innovative care delivery models.

Dr. Ben Bassin

Dr. Ben Bassin

Dr. Cemal Sozener

Dr. Cemal Sozener

Co-founders Drs. Ben Bassin and Cemal Sozener are board certified practicing emergency physicians with broad clinical expertise. Additionally, they possess extensive training and unique skillsets in administrative hospital operations and management, process optimization, patient flow and lean facility design consulting. They are both lean healthcare certified practitioners and instructors and are among the few physicians in the U.S. to hold the Evidence-based Design Accreditation and Certification (EDAC) from the Center for Healthcare Design.

Contact us

Let’s create a world-class healthcare environment together. Contact us to learn more about our mission, work, and how we may be of service.